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Early Electric HMV Gilbert and Sullivan Albums now Available for Download
MP3 Album  Ruddigore (HMV 1931)
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MP3 Album  Ruddigore (HMV 1931)
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MP3 Album Ruddigore (HMV 1931)
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Ruddigore -- The 1931 Electric D'Oyly Carte Recording
(GS10) MP3 Album

Complete Opera by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.

This transfer of the second D'Oyly Carte recording of Ruddigore is of unsurpassed quality, largely due to the use of an excellent set of 78 rpm records from the collection of Frank Behrens of Keene, NH. [Mr. Behrens critiques classical recordings for the Brattleboro (VT) Reformer and other regional periodicals, and has published favorable comments regarding our work.]

The digital download includes all of the CD inserts and graphics required to replicate the original CD reissue.


78s2CD Item GS10 MP3 Album
MP3 Album  Ruddigore (HMV 1931)
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