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Complete Alma Gluck reissue from 78s2CD now Available for Download
MP3 Album Alma Gluck "The Lass with the Delicate Air"
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MP3 Album Alma Gluck "The Lass with the Delicate Air"
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MP3 Album Alma Gluck "The Lass with the Delicate Air"
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Alma Gluck -- "The Lass With the Delicate Air" (No. 1019)

List of Selections

1. The Lass With the Delicate Air - 64398

2. Bonnie Sweet Bessie - 64588

3. My Laddie - 64183

4. Comin’ Thro’ the Rye - 64422

5. The Braes o’ Balquhidder - 64416

6. Red, Red Rose - 64321

7. Bring Back My Bonnie to Me - 64793
With Orpheus Quartet

8. Irish Love Song - 64346
pianoforte by Efrem Zimbalist

9. As a Beam O’er the Face of the Waters - 64415

10. La Colombo (The Dove) - 64277

11. Nightingale Song - 64566
Bird Voices by Charles Kellogg

12. Hatikva - 87296
Alma Gluck and Efrem Zimbalist

13. Chanson Hèbraique - 87276
Alma Gluck and Efrem Zimbalist

14. Two Folk-Songs of Little Russia - 64727
(Arranged by Efrem Zimbalist)

15. Carmena – Vocal Waltz - 64400

16. Das Steierland - 87227
Alma Gluck – Paul Reimers

17. Es steht ein' Lind' - 87228
Alma Gluck – Paul Reimers

18. Du, Du Liegst mir im Herzen - 87182
Alma Gluck – Paul Reimers

19. Drunten im Unterland - 87224
(Down in the Lowlands)

20. Hänsel und Gretel – Suse, liebe Suse - 88418
Alma Gluck – Louise Homer

21. Hänsel und Gretel – Der kleine Sandmann bin ich - 88419
Alma Gluck – Louise Homer

22. Hänsel und Gretel – Hexenritt und Knusperwalzer - 87131
Alma Gluck – Louise Homer

23. Chanson indoue – A Song of India - 64269

24. Little Grey Home in the West - 64412
violoncello obbligato by Rosario Bourdon

25. Such a Li’l’ Fellow - 64625

26. Darling Nelly Gray - 64729
with Orpheus Quartet

27. Fiddle and I - 88539
Alma Gluck and Efrem Zimbalist
Pianoforte by Rosario Bourdon

78s2CD Item 1019 MP3 Album
MP3 Album Alma Gluck "The Lass with the Delicate Air"
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